It doesn’t have to be hard to workout or stay active while you’re on vacation! Even though you may not be at home and in your regular routine, here are some tips we follow to stay active while we’re on vacation.

Tip 1: Pack your workout clothes and other necessities.
Wherever we go, we always pack at least one set of workout clothes, sneakers, and other lightweight necessities so we don’t have an excuse!
We love to pack resistance bands since they’re so lightweight and easy to use! We love the ones we have from Tone It Up and Love Sweat Fitness!
Finally, the most important necessity for us is DEODORANT! We love to bring our Scully’s Deodormint with us because not only is it a chemical-free deodorant that actually works, but this eco-friendly bottle is the perfect size for travel! It’s 2 oz, so definitely makes it under the TSA limit. We also love that it’s free of artificial fragrances and aluminum oxide, so it doesn’t clog pores AND it’s safe to use.

Tip 2: Find a fitness studio or gym nearby.
When we travel, especially within the U.S., we LOVE to check out nearby studios, since we can’t get the same workout (even if it’s the same studio like Barry’s Bootcamp or SoulCycle) since the instructors are different!
We also love to meet up with friends/Instagram friends to get a sweat in. It’s always a great way to catch up and keeps you accountable so you make it to the class.
Tip 3: Use the hotel gym or workout in your hotel room.

Another great option is to use the hotel gym! We’ve seen some seriously amazing hotel gyms while traveling. A definite favorite is the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. It is 2 floors, has TRX straps, rowing machines, and, of course, our fave – a squat rack.
We love to do guides like Kayla Itsines’s BBG and Love Sweat Fitness, use apps like Daily Burn, and YouTube workouts like Blogilates. The great thing is that some of these can even be done in your hotel room or Airbnb.
When we traveled to Paris together a few years ago, Grace would actually do BBG in the living room of our Airbnb in the mornings! She used Joanna’s purse as a weight (LOL).
Tip 4: Enjoy your vacation!

But the biggest thing to remember is to ENJOY YOURSELF! We notice that, especially coming from LA, whenever we travel anywhere, we walk so much more. We love to explore cities by walking instead of Ubering everywhere or laying in our comfy hotel beds all day. Plus vacation is a time for you to relax and enjoy yourself, so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get in a workout or only a short workout.
Share with us some of your tips to stay active while on vacay!