Review of Gummy Vitamins

We know gummy vitamins aren’t the best for you. It has refined sugars, carbs, corn syrup, whatever. But, honestly, even if you told us taking those huge multi-vitamin pills will make us look young for the next 20 years, we still wouldn’t take them daily. We’d probably only remember to take them daily if you paid us. Dramatic? Yes. But 100% honest.

We know gummy vitamins are basically candy. But we do take pretty much all our vitamins in gummy form. So, we decided to review 4 different women’s multi-vitamins in gummy form based on taste!

SmartyPants Women’s Complete Multivitamin Gummies

Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry
$16.36 for 120 count
Serving: 6 vitamins
Sugar: 7g

Taste: There’s a little vitamin-y aftertaste, but it’s overall really good. Tastes like a candy. But 6 is kind of a lot eat at once.
Texture: Not a super gummy texture. It’s soft and dissolves in your mouth fast.
Jo: 4
Grace: 4

Vitafusion Women’s Multivitamin Gummies

Flavors: Berry
$8.88 for 150 count
Serving: 2 vitamins
Sugar: 3g

Taste: There’s no vitamin aftertaste. It tastes more like a fruit, but not too sweet or candy-like.
Texture: Compared to SmartyPants, it’s a bit harder, so it’s more like a gummy bear.
Jo: 5
Grace: 3

Nature Made Multi for Her + Omega-3 Gummies

Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry
$12.99 for 80 count
Serving: 2 vitamins
Sugar: 4g

Taste: It’s like a sour gummy. It tastes a little too candy-like and too sugary. But there’s no vitamin aftertaste.
Texture: They’re like gumdrops but chewier.
Jo: 3
Grace: 3

OLLY The Perfect Women’s Multi-Vitamin Blissful Dietary Supplement Gummies

Flavors: Berry
$13.99 for 90 count
Serving: 2 vitamins
Sugar: 3g

Taste: It’s also like a sour candy, but it has more of a natural flavor than Nature Made. It’s less candy-like.
Texture: Similar to Nature Made, but little firmer.
Jo: 4
Grace: 5

Are you a fan of gummy vitamins, or do you think they’re just for kids?


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We're Joanna & Grace Park, sisters from LA

We’re all about helping you find a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for you. Think of us as the sisters you’ve never had!

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